Was Martin Luther a secret agent of The Jesuits?


A bizarre question recently appeared.  “Was Martin Luther a secret agent of The Jesuits?”  No one has proven he wasn’t!

We remember what happened during the one thousand, four hundred and two years between Martin Luther’s “official” apostasy in 1517  and The Edict of Milan in 313 AD.  That was the year Constantine made it “legal” to be Catholic after Catholics had been viciously persecuted for the preceding three centuries.

In that 1,402 year period, The Catholic Church had spread through the nations of The Roman Empire.

About one/third of the land in some nations was owned by The Catholic Church.  She provided Churches, schools, universities, libraries, hospitals, orphanages, monasteries, convents, lodging, and accommodations for the poor.

One could not travel more than a few miles without hearing Catholic Church bells ringing.  Monks and nuns prayed and sang.   The Actual Body and Blood of Jesus was provided everywhere by Catholic priests in The Church Jesus had Spoken Into Being  1,500 years before.

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


Catholics remember Job, in the Old Testament.  Job, 1:  6-12 tells us that Satan was one of the “angels attending God”.  That was before God threw the disobedient angels out of Heaven.  God agreed to let Satan “test” Job’s Faith by inflicting disasters on him.

By The Grace of God, Job’s Faith was unshaken by every kind of disaster.


AND, we know that God did allow an “evil spirit” in 1 Kings 22:20.  God allowed the “evil spirit” to lie to Ahab and bring him to destruction.


Did God similarly “test” all of  Christendom by allowing The Profiteers of Protestantism to separate His obedient “sheep” from willful goats for the past 500 years?

Protestants see what is happening around them.  They see what Protestantism has done. They see the children and grandchildren they never had because they followed those who led them into disobedience.

They all see, even if they do not acknowledge, what happened because they were led to disobey Catholic Teaching.

The Church’s Unchanging Teaching remains:  “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”

Also unchanged:  “Marriage is for life.”


The price of disobedience is seen in the children we did not have and those whom we did not teach to respect Jesus enough to obey His Church-Founding Word:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Was Martin Luther a secret agent of The Jesuits?  Or, was he merely used to provide 500 years of temptations to disobedience several years before that Order was formalized into being?

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