Was the “seventh bowl” of God’s wrath recently emptied on earth?

May we all be blessed to take The Prophecies of Revelation seriously while we have time to do so.

The “sixth bowl” is the next to last punishment. God emptied that “bowl” onto the earth in Rev 16:12. That Prophecy revealed to St. John seems to connect with us, in our time. For the first time in 5,000 years of recorded History, The Euphrates River has actually “dried up”. A way has been made for “the kings of the East” to come in.


Question 1. “The ‘last punishment’ that God will send to earth is the seventh ‘bowl’ of His ‘wrath’. It is dumped upon the world by Angel #7. What is that final punishment?

Answer: “Rev 16:17 is clear. ‘The seventh angel emptied his bowl into the air, and a voice shouted from The Sanctuary. ‘The end has come.’


Question 2: “Has anything unusual recently been ’emptied into the air’ and spread around the globe?”

Answer: “Varieties of the covid virus have been ’emptied into the air’. They have spread around the world.”


“Question 3: “Have there been ‘flashes of lightning and peals of thunder’ and ‘the most violent earthquake that anyone has ever seen since there have been men on the earth.’?”

Answer: “There have never been so many news broadcasts (‘flashes of lightning’?), and ‘peals of thunder’ (tyrants demanding obedience?)


Question 4: “Have we seen ‘the most violent earthquake any one ‘has ever seen. . . ‘

The Foundations of Faith, Freedom, and Families are being shaken more violently than ever. Go West from Australia, all the way around the world to New Zealand, nearby. Everywhere, Faith, Freedom, and Families are under the most coordinated attack in History! That may be the “most violent earthquake anyone has ever seen . . “ to which the Passage refers.


Question 5: “What happens after that?”

Answer: “The Great City was split into three parts and the cities of the world collapsed.”


Question 6: “What is ‘The Great City’?”

Answer: “‘The Great City’ describes the world-wide organization of those who hate God, Faith, Freedom, and Families. It is ‘split into three parts’.


“Question 7: “What are those ‘three parts’?”

Answer: “Every urban outpost of ‘The Great City’ has three groups. There are the ‘leaders’, their ‘followers’, and ‘the faithful they seek to destroy’.”


Question 8: “Have ‘cities of the world’ actually ‘collapsed’?”

Answer: “Most ‘cities of the world’ have been destroyed by corruption, lies, deficit spending, and the crime that results. The oppression of The Faithful soon follows.”


Question 9: “Can I find out more about this?”

Answer: “Read The Book of Revelation! This free book helps connect God’s Final Words to us:

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