Waves of Truth

Children build sand castles on the beach. People walk by, smiling. They enjoy watching the children, and some adults, at play. But, no one wants to live in even the largest and most impressive of such structures. They all fall down when exposed to wind, rain, and high waves.

Some people tell lies. For several years, tens of thousands of people have made very good livings by telling environmental lies, most recently about Global Warming and Sustainability. In support of that, today, on climatedepot.com the following appeared:

“So global warming professors are the tenth highest paid profession in the nation and the third highest paid profession in the public sector. In terms of median earnings, they are paid as much as the average private sector CEO.”

Big lies, big money. Now, waves of truth are crashing down on the fragile buildings in which they’ve built their careers. Their castles in the sand are being washed away.

Will the fraudsters realize what they’ve done? Will they build solid houses on solid foundations of truth? Or, will they build new careers on new lies along that small strip where frauds and taxpayers meet?

We pretty much know what they’ll do. Just as they moved from the Global Freezing lies to the Global Warming frauds, most of them will gravitate to other lies about other imaginary bogeymen. Such people rarely go to the trouble of inventing new lies. They are lazy, and prefer lies that are old, proven, and easy to tell. They are recycled when thought to be forgotten.
