We all want to know about “The Second Battle” of the end!

We remember Constantine’s part in The “First Battle of The End” from The Book of Revelation, 19:11.  Since there was a “First Battle”, there has to be a “Second Battle”!  We all want to know about “The Second Battle” of the end!

When would it be?  Chapter 20 begins:  “An angel came down from Heaven with the key of the Abyss in his hand and an enormous chain.  He overpowered the dragon, that primeval serpent which is the devil and Satan, and chained him up for a thousand years.”

That “thousand yearsmay have begun during Constantine’s lifetime between  27 February, 272 and 22 May of 337.  The “thousand years” may have begun at his conception around 6/271  AD.  It ends between 6/1271 and May 22, 1337 AD.


That period reflected the ten centuries when the devil would be “chained up for a thousand years”.  (Rev 20: 2)  What happened?

1.  Constantine brought Catholic Saints and Scholars together.  Christendom was united around The Nicene Creed.

2. The Catholic Church grew through all the nations between India and Ireland.

During that “thousand years”, The Catholic Church was Christendom!


“the thousand years” had passed before Martin Luther.  He lived from  11/10/1483 until 11/18/1546.

Johann Hus and Wycliffe preceded Luther with their attacks on The Catholic Church.   But, they’re decades after “the thousand year reign” ended.

So, who attacked Christendom before the early Protestants?


Genghis Khan comes to mind!  He was born in the Spring of 1206 and died August 18, 1227.  He is certainly a candidate!  Mongol hordes attacked Catholics across Armenia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Russia.  They destroyed Catholics in Poland, Austria, Germany, and Hungary.

They did come “swarming over the entire country”. (Rev 20: 8)

Genghis and his family were the exact opposite of Constantine!  They attacked what He had defended!  Catholic Nations were weakened by defense costs.  The Church lost the political power to stop The Profiteers of Protestantism who attacked Her from within.

Greedy men saw their opportunity!  They hired Protestant “theologians” to confuse Catholic Doctrine and Teachings.  They enriched themselves by stealing millions of acres of Church lands and assets.


“The thousand year reign” of The Catholic Church over Christendom had ended.

Most of us are still blessed to be able to be in The Only Church Jesus Founded.   That is the greatest blessing we may have!

We pray that all will grasp the only “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” that Jesus left on earth.  “a short while” (Rev. 20:3) remains!

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