We are all colored people.

We are all colored people. Catholic Fundamentalists understand that skin color exists partly to let people know whom of Noah’s three sons is their ancestor.

White people are descended from Shem, Blacks from Ham, Yellow from Japheth. Skin color helps connect us all with Noah, and, thereby with God, The Flood, and the entirety of Biblical history.

The color of our soul is more important than the color of our skin. Each soul has its own, individual hue. Those colors exist within families of colors that reflect families of spiritual types. Clear, sparkling souls, devoid of impurities, shine like diamonds around The Throne. As we grow closer to God, our souls become less cloudy.

Shrunken, stained, and stinking souls surround the fallen angel where they smolder painfully forever.

The souls of those who hate their neighbors range from pink through red. The most consistent neighbor-haters are blood red, clear through. Environmentalists’ souls are red at the core, surrounded by a green haze that fools many. The pure are white and gold. The souls of engineers are black and white, those of lawyers are gray.

We don’t realize that we see the types of souls we meet, but we see and subconsciously categorize them among the people we meet.

Souls also have qualities of size and intensity. The intense believer has a soul that is relaxed to its normal size. More worried people are only dimly aware that their souls have become shrunken and depressed by outward pressures. As we grow closer to God, our souls relax and expand to fill their assigned space.

When we are praying, we can often feel our soul filling our mind.
