We are what we believe.  Our beliefs are made of thoughts.  Thoughts are made of words and images.

We are what we believe.  Our beliefs are made of thoughts.  Thoughts are made of words and images.


Words are either spoken or written.  They are shared by anyone with an opinion.

Words were once recorded on stone and clay.  Later, Words were written with quill pens on parchment and papyrus.  It took twenty men, and that many helpers, to copy the words in a Bible by hand.  In today’s money, a Bible could cost a million dollars!  Bibles had to be kept locked up!

The “second beast” (Rev 3:11) uses many inventions to spread evil.  “Printing presses let us spread Words cheaply!   We can print cheap Bibles that say what we want!”

The Profiteers of Protestantism hated some Words in the Seven Books of The Septuagint!  They told about Jewish soldiers sending gold to The Temple in Jerusalem so sins of fallen comrades could be forgiven.

Every Profiteer of Protestantism agreed!  “That’s no different than Catholic Indulgences!  We can’t have donors giving money to The Catholic Church!  We want that money.”

Printing presses made it easy for them to make Bibles without those Books and Words!

The “second beast” was happy with what its followers had done!  New printing presses flooded the world with cheap “partial Bibles”.  The Profiteers of Protestantism had removed Words of God from Protestant beliefs and minds!


Paintings, stained glass windows,  and statues provided Images of obedient Catholic Saints and Teachings.  Those Images reinforced Words Spoken by The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit, and Catholic Saints.

It was expensive to manufacture pigments, fine canvas, and paint.   It was even more expensive to make windows of stained glass!

3-D Images were even more expensive!   It cost a lot for huge pieces of stone to be quarried, moved, and carved.

The Profiteers of Protestantism removed Images of Catholic Saints from their buildings.

“We make a living by getting our donors to disobey This Word of Jesus Christ:   ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’  We do not want our donors being reminded of 1,500 years of His obedient, Catholic Saints!”


We are what we believe.  Our beliefs are made of thoughts.  Thoughts are made of words and images.   The Profiteers of Protestantism keep many minds from God’s Holy Words and Images.

The “second beast” is glad.

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Free words and images about Catholicism!  catholicfundamentalism.com
