We Don’t Die. We Can’t Die. We Should Try To Not Fry.

Some insist that “All of us will die.” That’s a big, fat lie. Not a single one of us will die. “Die” is a worldly word that precedes The Resurrection and The Church Who recognized and understood the immortal nature of the human soul.

She, in Her infinite wisdom, teaches us that we do not “die”. What the worldly think of as “death” is actually what happens when our souls leave our bodies. First, they go to Judgment. After that, they are sentenced to spend eternity in Heaven or Hell.

There is no “death”, except the death of everything unpleasant, for those who get to Heaven, or the death of everything that is good and decent for those who don’t. Each human life goes on forever, in one place or another. By getting people to believe two lies: 1: Everyone will die., and 2: There is no life after death., the Culture of Death gains control by focusing human fears on gaining and losing the things of this world.

We may see the error in what the doomed call “death” by imagining a driver. He, often at a completely unexpected moment, is taken out of his warm, comfortable, amazingly complicated automobile. Then, he is whisked away to a nearby courtroom that’s been strangely invisible to him until the moment that he appears within it. Judgment is pronounced, and he is sent to one of two places for a very, very long time. This takes place in the blinking of an eye.

When they think about that, people who’ve spent a lot of time ignoring, or making fun of, what they chose to think is an imaginary courtroom, a nonexistent judge, and no trial at all say, “I’d rather just die.” That’s a smart way for them to think. But, it’s wrong. They do not die. They cannot die. They stay alive forever. One place or another.

The smart thing to do is to try to not fry. The instructions that allow us to avoid the pains of Hell are in the teachings of our Holy Mother Church. She provides everything we need to save us from dreading our inevitable Judgment. It’s up to us to avail ourselves of Her help.
