We have life. What is “life”?

God has The Power to Speak things into being. God’s Words Spoke each of us into Being at our conception. Each of us is a Word of God in human form.

Each of us is “made in the image of God”.

We have life. What is “Life”? Life is re-arranging “Words” that God has Spoken Into Being.


We are “Living Words of God”. We spend our lives putting other Words of God into order. We use two kinds of Words.

“Inner Words” are the thoughts in our minds.

“Outer Words” are thoughts we share by writing or speaking.

Some of our “Outer Words” take form. We cook. What is cooking? Putting God’s “Food Words” in order.

We all spend our lives doing the same thing! We spend our lives putting words in order! That’s life!


Catholics know: Jesus is The Living Word of God. How do we know? Only Jesus Fulfilled earlier Words Spoken by God to His Prophets.

We may use our “Inner Words” to build a “stairway” in our mind.

Step 1. Our “Inner Words” let us think about the Miracle of “God’s Word” taking Human Form in Jesus.

Step 2. Our “Inner Words” and our “Outer Words” can only be in order when we obey Every Word of Jesus.

Step 3. Catholics obey This Word of Jesus: “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


“the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”! We ask ourselves: “Could anyone except Jesus give us ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven?”

Catholics align our “Inner Words” and our “Outer Words” with “God’s Word”.

“Inner Words” and “Outer Words” and “God’s Word” become one when we make this decision: “I want those ‘keys’!”

Catholics pass The Test of Jesus! We obey The Word He repeated fourteen times: “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”


Catholics respect Jesus. We do not confuse our power to “rearrange” the Words of God with His Power to Speak Them Into Being.

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Free reasons to be Catholic: catholicfundamentalism.com
