We see why The Profiteers of Protestantism took The Book of Wisdom OUT of their Bibles! #69.

Catholics have been carrying The Cross for 2,000 years.  We are blessed to be among God’s most persecuted people in History and have our souls be “living sparks darting through stubble”.


Question 1:  “When did Willful Protestants begin to persecute Catholics?”

Answer:  “Vicious persecutions of Catholics began in the reign of Nero.  He burned large parts of the City of Rome, blamed it on Catholics, and ordered that they be persecuted, tortured, killed, and exterminated.”


Question 2:  “Did the Roman Empire continue those persecutions?”

Answer:  “The Emperor Decius restarted them.  He waged an unholy war against Catholics throughout much of the Empire.  Diocletian and Maximian and Maximianus soon ordered the torturing, killing, and stealing from Catholics in Europe, North Africa, Central Europe and The Middle East. Constantine stopped some of the persecutions in France, Spain, and England  When he took over The Empire, all official persecution of all Catholics stopped.”


Question 3:  “What does that have to do with why The Profiteers of Proterstantism took The Book of Wisdom? out of The Bible?”

Answer:  “After ‘The Thousand Year Reign’ (Rev 20:2) of The Catholic Church over Christendom, the devil was released.  New Profiteers of Protestism were hired to repeat the usual reasons to justify killing Catholics and stealing their property.  They hated for Catholics to read This Prophecy about them and those who persecute them in Wisdom 2:23-3:9!


Question 4:  “Why is that Daily Reading important?”

Answer:  “First, all of past History is clearly described in two sentences!  ‘God formed man to be imperishable;  in the image of His own nature He made them.  But by the envy of the Devil, death entered the world,  and they who are in his possession experience it.'”


Question 5:  “That is ‘Wisdom’!  Does The Book of Wisdom tell us about the fate of two kinds of souls, ‘sparks’ and ‘stubble’?”

Answer:  “‘But the souls of the just are in the hand of God, and no torment shall touch them.  They seemed, in the view of the foolish, to be dead;  and their passing away was thought an affliction and their going forth from us, utter destruction.‘”


Question 6:  “What happens to the souls of those who died for their faith?”

Answer:  “The writings of St. Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical History make God’s blessings clear during centuries of Roman persecution.  ‘But they are in peace.  For if before men, indeed, they be punished, yet is their hope full of immortality;  Chastised a little, they shall be greatly blessed, because God tried them and found them worthy of Himself.  As gold in the furnace, He proved them, and as sacrificial offerings He took them to Himself.’


Question 7:  “Does The Book of Wisdom give us God’s Promise about what happens to those who suffer for The Catholic Faith?”

Answer:  “‘In the time of their visitation they shall shine, and shall dart about as sparks through stubble;  They shall judge nations and rule over peoples, and the Lord shall be their King forever.’

Then, The Book of Wisdom tells us about The Seven Great Gifts God would give to faithful Catholics!”

‘Those who trust in Him shall understand truth, and the faithful shall abide with Him in love: Because grace and mercy are with His holy ones, and His care is with His elect.’


The Profiteers of Protestantism tried to replace The Catholic Church wherever they could.  The greedy gluttons who hired them didn’t want anyone to know what ‘Great Gifts’ future generations would lose by being deprived of The Book of Wisdom!”


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