Wealthy white women.

Before washers, dryers, and stoves that didn’t need wood, women worked at home. If they could afford household help, they got it. After electricity and a raft of labor-saving devices, more prosperous women not only needed fewer maids, but also, had more time on their hands.

“All those women should be working, and paying taxes.”, said the people who wanted to profit from state-provided day care. “They sure should!”, agreed those benefiting from all day pre-school and kindergarten.

“Yes, indeed!”, announced a government in perpetual need of more incomes to tax.

So, women found themselves pressured to leave their homes and go to work. Then, of course, they began to participate in a variety of other causes and activities they thought would help them get more money.

Whether working in or out of the home, richer women found themselves easy prey for those whose policies enslaved them. They became more in favor of bigger, “caring” government, and did not see that their own money was taken from them to pay for such programs. The wealthiest white women always thought they were entitled to even more than they had, and were quick to capitalize on the new opportunities provided by the sea-change in their roles.

Though women are half the population, most single women, famous women, and rich women vote for more taxation than do their married sisters. As soon as someone appears on enough Oprah shows, promising to help women by taking their money away, their programs are promptly embraced by many of those watching.

Oddly, they rarely consider the impact those choices inevitably have on their children. Their sons find it harder to find jobs that will support families.

They are far too busy to miss the grandchildren they’ll never have, and too lost in their new, worldly concerns to even think about it.
