What are the Seven Favorite Words of Willful Protestants?


.                                       Willful Protestants are closer to “getting on Christ’s boat” than they realize!


Question 1.  “There are a billion Willful Protestants.  They are divided into nearly 50,000 different denominations.  How can they all have ‘Seven Favorite Words’?”

Answer:  “One Universal Truth has joined all Willful Protestants for 2,000 years with their ‘Seven Favorite Words!’


Question 2:  “What Seven Favorite Words has every Willful Protestant in the world believed for 2,000 years?”

Answer:  “For 2,000 years, Willful Protestants have disagreed with some Teachings of Jesus Christ in The Bible.  A billion Willful Protestants in 50,000 denominations have the same justification for rejecting some Teachings of Jesus.”


Question 3:  “It’s amazing there can be a unifying factor among all those Willful Protestants.  What are The Seven Favorite Words of every Willful Protestant in History?”

Answer:  “Every time a Willful Protestant disagrees with Any Teaching of Jesus, they all think the same thing!  ‘We Know More Than Jesus About That!’


Question 4:  “Do they say that out loud?”

Answer:  “Willful Protestants are smart!  They never say their ‘Seven Favorite Words’ out loud!”


Question 5:  “Do Willful Protestants think God will not hold them accountable for willful disobedience if they only ‘think’ their Seven Favorite Words?”

Answer:  “Yes.  Willful Protestants have a confused view of God.  They think He wants them to disobey Words of Jesus and not go to His Judgment among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 5:  “Is there a good example of Willful Protestants thinking that ‘We Know More Than Jesus About That!’?”

Answer:  “It is their universal response to The Holy Word with Which Jesus Christ SPOKE One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Into Being!  As soon as a Willful Protestant hears or reads Mt 16:18-20:

‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven; . .’,

Willful Protestants ALL have the same thought!  ‘We Know More Than Jesus About That!’


Question 6:  “Do Willful Protestants ever say their Seven Favorite Words out loud?”

Answer:  “Willful Protestants are smart!   They are all able to Think Clearly enough to never want God to hear them say:  ‘We Know More Than Jesus About That!”


Question 7:  “Does that mean some Willful Protestants can be saved?”

Answer:  “Yes.  The people who proudly speak the words: ‘We Know More Than Jesus About That!’  are much farther from God, His Church, and His ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ than most Willful Protestants.”

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