What are the three kinds of jobs?

There are three kinds of jobs.  The best jobs are Value Adding Jobs. 

A lesser sort of job is exemplified by the collapsing European nations.  There,millions of useless bureaucracts drive their nations into bankruptcy doing Useless Jobs. 

The worst sort of jobs, like those beloved by enviromentalists, are Destructive Jobs.  They take value away.   When a coal-fired generator producing electricity for a nickel/kwh is replaced with wind and solar that generate electricity for $1.00/kwh when the sun is shining and the wind is blowing, value has been taken away.  Those involved have Destructive Jobs.

This graph illustrates what happens when the number of Useless and Destructive jobs is reduced:

As Useless and Destructive Jobs disappear in economies collapsed by too many Useless and Destructive Jobs, more people end up making and doing things in Useful Jobs.

What are the three kinds of jobs?  Useful Jobs that add value, Useless Jobs that don’t, and Destructive Jobs that make people poorer.  Useless and Destructive Jobs may be likened to segments of a very large tapeworm that’s infected a body politic.

The only ones complaining about the growth of Useful Jobs and the disappearance of the other two are those who want more high-paying, lushly-benefitted Useless and Destructive Jobs for themselves, friends, and family members.
