May all be blessed to understand God’s Simple Command: “Be as Catholic as you can.”
Question: “What does being Catholic let us be and do?”
Answer: “The word ‘Catholic’ means ‘universal’. Being Catholic lets us see ‘The Universal Truth’:
God Spoke Creation into Being in Six Time Periods. His First Period began 13 trillion light-years ago, when He Spoke Energy Into Being with His Word: ‘Let there be Light’. Then, He turned Energy into stars that make light. Then, He downloaded all the components of electrons, photons, atoms, and cells. His Creation Program began to download living plants and animals. He finished with His complicated People Program that takes form in each of us.”
Question 2: “Why did God make things so big and complicated that we can’t see an end to The Creation, or to the mysteries with which people ended up with 28 to 38 trillion cells in women’s and men’s bodies, in a universe that has now expanded to 30 trillion light-years from side to side?”
Answer: “God would not allow His Beloved Human Programs to see an end to His Power. He wanted His beloved Human Programs to have free will and for every person’s immortal soul to have the knowledge we need to make My Big Decision: ‘Will I obey or disobey The Guiding Words God provides for His Beloved Free-Will Creatures.’”
Question 3: “For the last 4 or 5 thousand years, God sent Prophets to provide His Teachings. Did ancient Neanderthals and Cro-Magnon people have Prophets to give guidance?”
Answer: “50,000 years ago, God’s Angels miraculously guided the wisest men and women to invent paint and use it to make pictures of things they wanted, mostly hunted animals, in dark caves.”
Question 4: “What did God let people do after that?”
Answer: “He let them develop words and languages, grow food, use animals, wind, and water for work, and make tools and weapons of metal with ever higher melting temperatures. Then, He led people to invent ways to write and read. Then, God sent Prophets.”
Question 5: “What did God’s Prophets do?”
Answer: “They told people how God wanted them to behave. His Prophets gave people the knowledge of, and the freedom to obey or disobey God’s Great Commandment: ‘Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.’”
Question 6: “How did God give Guidance to make the God and neighbor-loving choices every person must make in This Time: The Last Stage of His Creation Program?”
Answer: “He had Prophets write and share over 300 Prophecies predicting that God would take Human Form on earth. The Prophet Micah said He would do so in the tiny village of Bethlehem.”
Question 7: “Why isn’t everyone in The Church Spoken Into Being by This Word of The Prophesied Son of God: ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’?”
Answer: “Every person on earth chooses to be among one of the two kinds of people described in Luke 3:17. ‘His winnowing fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly purge His floor and will gather the wheat into His granary, but the chaff He will burn with fire unquenchable.’”
Question 8: “Does that mean we should ‘Be Catholic’?”
Answer: “Jesus told us 12 times in the last half of John 6 and twice more at His Last Supper on Earth, ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’ May all be blessed to ask ourselves the next question!
Question 9: “If I choose to become a living insult to The Perfect Divinity of He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies by proudly rejecting The Life-giving Food He died in agony to leave us in Catholic Communion, will I be ‘wheat’ or ‘chaff’ when God Judges my soul?”
Answer: “Today, I face eternity. / Where I spend it is up to me.”
Today’s Simple Rhyme: “May I be blessed to understand / and be as Catholic as I can.”