What does this mean: “an enormous chain”?


The Words of The Bible contain many mysteries.  What does this mean: “an enormous chain”?

The phrase occurs in Rev.  20:1.  “Then I saw an angel come down from Heaven. with the key of the Abyss in his hand and an enormous chain.”

The next verse tells us what the angel did!

“He overpowered the dragon, that primeval serpent which is the devil and Satan and chained him up for a thousand years.”

~Obvious questions~

1. Every “chain” is made of “links“.  “Links” make every “chain” flexible.  What were the “links” of the “enormous chain” made of?   Was each “link” forged of a specific power that paralyzed a corresponding evil?

2. How did the “enormous chain” get there? If the angel were carrying the “enormous chain” in his other hand, the passage might have said so.   We are only told that the “enormous chain” was with the angel.  Was the chain able to move on its own?  Was it directed to accompany the angel?   Did it “float” obediently alongside him?

3.  “enormous” means “big”!  Was the “enormous chain” a mile long?  A hundred miles?   A thousand?

4.  Or, was “the enormous chain” a million photons long?  A billion?  A quadrillion?

5.  Was “the enormous chain” made of letters and syllables in God’s Word?


There was some paralyzing energy in the “enormous chain”.

It seems to have been a surprisingly simple operation!  The angel “overpowered the dragon” in just three words!

~What happened next?~

“He (God’s angel) threw him into the Abyss, and shut the entrance and sealed it over him to make sure he would not deceive the nations again until the thousand years had passed.”

~What does that mean?~

Not even a thought or word from “the primeval serpent” was able to get out!


Catholics merely have to think about two verses in The Bible and what do we find?

The hopelessness of every angel and person who willfully disobeys God!

Is there a better reason to obey The Word with Which Jesus Spoke The Church Into Being?

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


P.S.  We just had a miraculous thing happen!  A dear reader in The Philippines told us what he thought the “enormous chain” could be!

He said:  “It is The Rosary.”!

Brilliant!  We consider that The Rosary could only have come into being after Mary said “Yes.” to God.

The timing fits!  It was only after Mary said “Yes.” that God could give the angel what he needed to “chain up the devil for a thousand years”!

The Holy Rosary!

Thank you, dear reader!  You have opened a door to greater understanding for all of us!

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