What is Nanny’s favorite Nanny Scam?

Media exists to publicize Nanny Scams.  When special interests need to frighten, alarm, tax, and regulate, the media invariably magnifies, exaggerates, and heightens the necessary concerns.

What is Nanny’s favorite Nanny Scam?  Nanny’s favorite scam is to take a part of the human body and have us think of it as a bomb.  This, the most popular, and the most ridiculous, of the Nanny Scams concerns the human liver.  When we stop and think about it, we come to an astonishing realization:  one of the first words that we’ve been recently taught to associate with liver is “exploding”.

When we google “exploding liver”, we see how successful that favorite Nanny Scam has been.  “Exploding livers” is a phrase included in articles, commentaries, TV, and radio press releases.  People write and talk about “exploding livers” and never crack a smile.   We are warned about “Exploding livers” by grim-faced worriers, professionally able to keep even the hint of a snicker from their face as they warn us of the awful dangers with which our soon-to-explode livers imperil us.

“Will my liver explode?” anxious people ask.  To date, there has not been one, single case of a liver that has actually, like a grenade, exploded.

It’s no wonder that this is one of Nanny’s favorite Nanny Scam.

