What is the 16th silly thing some Protestants say?

Christians know that God “Spoke” Creation into Being. His first Creation-Creating Word was: “Let there be light.”

And, Christians know what happened next! “There was light”!

Christians have no problem understanding that.


Many Protestants refuse to understand a similarly simple sentence!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

That one sentence is The Church-Founding Word of Jesus!

With that One Sentence, Jesus “SPOKE” The Only Church He Founded Into Being!


Many Protestants avoid The Church-Founding Decree of Jesus! They know that Jesus could have reappeared. He could have said to the inventor of the Marketing Plan that became their denomination:

“And I say unto you thou art ______ and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

The Profiteers of Protestantism know that Jesus did not do that!

For their denominations to have any validity, they have to get around The Church-Founding Decree of Jesus!


Catholics watch them say things as silly as this! “Jesus is ‘the rock’. Jesus was not talking to Peter. He was speaking about Himself.”

That makes no sense at all!

Making sense does not matter! Many Protestants will repeat, over and over, “Jesus is the rock! Jesus is the rock! Jesus is the rock!”

When Catholics remind them, “Jesus was speaking directly to Peter. Jesus did say to Peter: ‘And I say unto you, thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church.”


Protestants don’t care! “We cannot let those 16 Words of Jesus be taken seriously! Anyone who thinks that Jesus was telling the truth will be in The Only Church He Spoke Into Being! They will stop giving us money!”


That is why many repeat their mindless mantra! “Jesus is the rock! Jesus is the rock! Jesus is the rock!”

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