What is the 3rd silliest thing some Protestants say?

Protestants avoid obeying Jesus when their beliefs and desires differ from His Teachings. The Profiteers of Protestantism have invented many reasons to justify disobeying Jesus. What is the 3rd silliest thing some Protestants say?

“I am not a Protestant.”


That is a fascinating insight to their thinking. The person who says that does disobey Jesus. Jesus did Speak The Only Church He Founded Into Being with His Holy, Church-Founding Word:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Any person who willfully disobeys Jesus and The Only Church He Founded is automatically, a Protestant.

Why do some of them say: “I am not a Protestant.”?


They realize an important fact. They do not want to have themselves defined in the negative sense of “protesting”. They know the very name of “Protestant” means, “We protest against Teachings of The Only Church Jesus Spoke Into Being.”

The word “Protestant” labels them among the various kinds of “protesters” who complain about everything. They are intelligent enough to want to avoid that!


Avoiding that label does not change the vanity that drives them to ignore a simple fact. Out of a hundred billion people who have ever lived, Jesus did say to one person, one time:

“Thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” They know that if they identify themselves as a “Protestant”, they are publicly proclaiming: “Jesus picked the wrong person.”

The Protestant who says “I am not a Protestant.” avoids looking silly enough to be among those whose beliefs personify that insult to Jesus’ Personnel Decision.


Saying “I am not a Protestant.” does not help them get into Heaven. Jesus was very clear about the only people He will allow into Heaven. “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

Those who refuse to obey Him cannot be among His obedient “friends”, whether they call themselves “Protestant” or not.

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