What is the difference between “semi-Christian” and “anti-Christian?”


Catholics want to know:  What is the difference between “semi-Christian” and “anti-Christian”?

Many of our beloved neighbors are in Protestant denominations.  They follow one among 45,000 Marketing Plans that have become 45,000 denominations.

Their ministers insist:  “We are Christians.”  The period ending that sentence is sometimes replaced by one, or more, exclamation points!


We know that Christ did Speak One Church Into Being with His Holy Word.

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Protestants agree on one thing!   Jesus was either wrong, or unable to speak clearly, or saying something unimportant, when He said that.


Protestants do share some sound beliefs about Jesus’ Teachings.

Upper-level Protestants understand that Jesus did Fulfill The Prophecies.

They agree that Jesus is The Son of God.

They recognize The Holy Trinity.

They believe in Original Sin.
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They correctly understand how important it is to wash Original Sin away with proper Baptism.

In varying degrees, Protestants believe in The Sanctity of Marriage.


At the same time, they reject The Church-Founding Decree of Jesus.

Are they “semi-Christian” or “anti-Christian”?


There is a difference between committing  “First Degree Murder” and inadvertently causing an “Accidental Death”.  It may be “motive” that explains the difference between “semi-Christian” and “anti-Christian” at Judgment.

The Church Jesus Founded teaches:  “People of good will may get into Heaven if they are not Catholic through no fault of their own.”

We may conclude that semi-Christians simply do not know enough about Christ and History to be Catholic.  The anti-Christians willfully and knowingly choose to disobey Christ when they want.


Catholics share a simple fact.  Jesus told us of those He would let into Heaven.  “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

Catholics pray that all will choose to understand.  Jesus did not insert the words:  “some of” between “obey” and “My”.

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Free e-books and reasons to be Catholic:  catholicfundamentalism.com


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