Exploring the hidden hate in Protestantism

Exploring the hidden hate in Protestantism helps us understand. Protestantism joins demons of Sloth, Envy, and Anger to those of Pride.

Pride-filled people Envy those who are harder-working, smarter, more handsome, happier, richer, or more beautiful than they. Pride, Envy, and Sloth add up to: Anger.

“I’ll get them!”, say those in whom Pride, Envy, and Sloth have exploded into Anger.

Exploring the hidden hate in Protestantism lets us see its nature.

“If I can’t get into Heaven, no one should! I don’t have to obey Jesus! I don’t have to heed The Only Church He Founded! Jesus has to let me into Heaven because I want to get there! That is all there is to all there is!

Pride-filled Protestants often direct their rage at those who obey Jesus. “Stop obeying Jesus! Don’t you dare to obey His Only Church-Founding Decree: ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’ Only fools think they need to be obedient!”

Many who disobey Jesus hate those who do obey Him. A deep, demonic hatred of obedient Catholics darkens many minds.

Some of them make money from such Pride. “A lot of people want to get to Heaven without obeying Jesus. They will pay me to tell them they can!”

That’s why The Profiteers of Protestantism invent so many excuses to keep people from being forever blessed to be among: “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

“If I can get people to knowingly and willingly disobey Jesus, they can’t get into Heaven! If I get them to disobey Jesus, they have to spend eternity suffering with me in hell! I’ll fix them!”

Some of The Profiteers of Protestantism cackle happily at that.

But, not when donors are around.

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More, including the free book, “New Road to Rome” on catholicfundamentalism.com
