What is the worst “Mental Disorder” Jesus can cure?


.                                  The Bright Light Who Is Jesus can shine through the clouds in our minds.  If we let It!


Question 1:  “What is the darkest cloud that darkens our mind?”

Answer:  “It is this ‘Mental Disorder’:  There is no higher authority than my opinion!’


Question 2:  “Sometimes, I believe that!   What harm does that ‘Mental Disorder’ do?”

Answer:  “It keeps us from obeying this Order from Jesus:  ‘Love God and your neighbor as yourself.’


Question 3:  “Why do we want to disobey that Order from Jesus?”

Answer:   “We would rather order our thoughts around feeling important.”


Question 4:   “How does that hurt us?”

Answer:  “It makes us miss the joy of finding God’s Order!   Psalm 84 tells to seek The Order of God.   ‘My soul yearns and pines for the courts of the Lord.  My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.’


Question 5:  “Why does seeking God’s Order make us happy?”

Answer:   “God’s Order lets us find where we belong!  ‘The sparrow has found its home at last, and the swallow a nest for her young, Your altars, O LORD of hosts, my King and my God!’   Like every bird, from hummingbird to eagle, each of us can find a nest where we can be happy.”


Question 6:  “Are we happy when we bring God’s Order into our mind?”

Answer:  “The short 84th Psalm tells us!  ‘Happy are those who live in Your house and can praise You all day long;  and happy the pilgrims inspired by You with the courage to ascend to You.’


Question 7:  “Does it take ‘courage’ to ‘ascend’ to The Lord’?”

Answer:  “Yes!  We have to get through ‘the valley of the weeper’.   That’s where the Mental Disorder ‘There is no authority higher than my opinion.’ rules.”


Question 8:  “Do all Christians get through that ‘valley’ of disorder and confusion?”

Answer:  “Some get closer than others.   ‘merely to stand on the steps of God’s House is better than standing with the wicked.’   God’s Perfect Order is found inside ‘God’s House.


Question 10:  “How do we find the joy of living within the Perfect Order of ‘God’s House’?”

Answer:  “Jesus gave Catholics the actual ‘keys’ to ‘God’s House’!   They were Spoken Into Being by Jesus Christ on earth!   ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

Catholics follow His Order in order to live forever in His Perfect Order!


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Simple reasons to be Catholic.  catholicfundamentalism.com
