What species of “dirty” and “loathsome birds” is named in The Book of Revelation?

Colorful Parrots

Revelation 18: 1 tells us of “dirty, loathsome birds”!  What species of “dirty” and “loathsome birds” is named in The Book of Revelation?

“After this I saw another angel come down from heaven, with great authority given to him;  the earth was lit up with his glory.  At the top of his voice he shouted, ‘Babylon has fallen, Babylon the Great has fallen and has become the haunt of devils and a lodging for every foul spirit and dirty, loathsome bird.”

Many think the “loathsome birds” are “cormorants, screech owls, and vultures”.  Those birds are mentioned by the Prophets.


Catholics know!  The “dirty, loathsome birds” are Babylon’s Parrots!

Babylon’s Parrots?

Parrots mindlessly repeat what their owners have told them!  Babylon’s Parrots are “ventriloquist dummies” with invisible strings!  Babylon’s Parrots encourage every evil on earth.  Their words fly around in our minds.  They bring confusion, despair, and death!


There are many “species of parrots”!   Each species of “parrot” flies out from some popular Temple of Babylon.   Babylon’s Parrots encourage hatred for Truth, Love, and Life.

Babylon’s Parrots are taught to teach us:  “Hate those three things!”


What do Babylon’s Parrots tell us to do?  They want us to believe whatever their Temple teaches!  Priests in Earth-Worshiping Temples tell us to appease “Mother Nature”.   There are many Environmental Temples!

There are Temples of Child Sacrifice.   They bring death to billions of unborn babies.  Most of them are no bigger than a grain of salt, as each of us once was.  Their lives are ended by pills, implants, and abortion at Babylon’s Temples of Convenience.

Every group of sinners has its own Temple!  Each of Babylon’s Temples sends out its own breed of Babylon’s Parrots!

What is Life in Babylon?   Listening to Babylon’s Parrots!


Catholics know!  Babylon’s Parrots all agree on two things!

1. They all tell us to disobey This Word of Jesus Christ!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

2. Babylon’s Parrots also tell us to hate This Catholic Teaching!  “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”


Is any “bird” more “dirty” and “loathsome” than the Parrots of Babylon?

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