What Looks Like The World We Live On Is More Like a Special-Purpose Building

The world looks like a complicated, self-sustaining, rotating ball revolving around the sun. We spend a dozen years learning about various aspects of the world and the universe in which it’s placed during our years in school. And, we go on learning about it on our own.

All that learning can be confusing. Things become much simpler If we consider the Scripture provided to us by God and His holiest people as a glimpse of The Architect’s plans and a synopsis of His building project. That helps us understand that the most important things in the building are its incredibly large number of up-and-down modes of transport. Though they’re hidden by the complicated structure, they are the reason for its existence. If we look for them, we’ll see them, everywhere.

As we do, we see that the huge building is full of elevators, escalators, brass fire poles, ramps, stairways, and rocket-assisted platforms. Once we learn to look for them behind the plaster and doodads, we see them every place we look. We’re on at least one of His up-and-down mechanisms during every moment of our lives. We spend our days in the clay making decisions that either move us up or down.

Sooner Or Later, Everyone Leaves The Building

We can never forget the basic rule: “Sooner Or Later, Everyone Leaves The Building.” There are only two exits. One lets exiting souls defy gravity while rising to He Who made it. The other exit drops souls into eternal pain. Since everyone has to leave the building, each of us will use one exit or the other.

The building’s transit systems allow souls to move rapidly from one level to another. Some souls very close to death may be overwhelmed by their own egotism and be proud/dumb enough to say, “I don’t need God’s forgiveness.” before the trap door opens.

Others may find they are approaching the lower exit and suddenly realize where they’re heading. Hopefully, they have enough sense to cry, “God help and forgive me!” We may imagine, then, that a rocket-assisted platform blasts off, launching them up and out at the top.

Some don’t want to move up or down. They just want to sit. They do not want to believe, or obey. They may insist, “I am a good person. I just want to do what I want.” They find that there is a third method of rapid exit no matter where they are: “The lukewarm water, I spit out of my mouth.”

The basic direction of that exit is “down”.
