What of the Scandals?

Those who defend The Church are often met with a conversation like:

Proudly Lapsed Catholic: “I can’t respect The Church because of the child-molesters who were in it.”

Catholic Fundamentalist: “The Church tends to be open, trusting, and forgiving. When child molesters intentionally become priests to gain access to children, and violate any of their promises to be poor, celibate, and obedient, they violate that trust and forgiveness. Their souls are at the greatest possible risk of being punished with awful agony.”

Proudly Lapsed Catholic: “But, some bishops hid the sin of those priests.”

Catholic Fundamentalist: “Some bishops were also infiltrators, bent on doing everything they could do destroy The Church. Others lacked Courage, a Gift of The Holy Spirit. They did was easier, rather than what was right. Haven’t you and I have done the same thing more times than we wish to remember?”

Proudly Lapsed Catholic: “I cannot be a part of an organization that tolerates such things.” (Often, while saying that, their chests literally swell with pride.)

Catholic Fundamentalist: “The scandals, while agonizing to several thousand children who were subjected to them, have served a greater purpose. His Garden is being weeded of self-righteous and sanctimonious people like yourself. Only God’s most faithful endure. We understand that the suffering did have this great good come from it: the weeds are taking themselves out of the Garden.

Proudly Lapsed Catholic: “I don’t think a loving God would do that.”

Catholic Fundamentalist: “You are passing judgment on God?”

Proudly Lapsed Catholic: “Is that so bad?”

Catholic Fundamentalist: “Hasn’t God told us that He prefers humble, obedient souls? He has programmed every human in The Creation Program with free will. You have chosen to pass negative judgment on Him and His Church. You have chosen to not conform your life to what He has taught through The Church. You have freely chosen to use the sins of others to justify your own self-righteous desire to have your own way. It is the worst decision that you have ever made.”
