What One Question have Catholics answered for two thousand years?

What One Question have Catholics answered for two thousand years?

“God, why do You allow people who disobey You to get into power?”


Catholics have been asking that question for 2,000 years! Examples:

1. “God, why did You let Caesars like Nero and Diocletian get into office and kill so many Catholics?”

2. “God, why did You let The Emperor Constantine follow the Arian Heresy and cause centuries of war against Catholics?”

3. “God, why did You let Tribes of Picts, Irish, Goths, Germans, Saxons, Jutes, Danes, Normans, and Frisians kill so many Catholics?

4. “God, why did You let Henry VIII kill so many Catholics in England and its Empire?”

5. “God, why did You let Protestants in The United States exterminate so many Indians and enslave so many people?”

6. “God, why did You let anti-Catholics kill so many Catholics during the French Revolution?”

7. “God, why did you let anti-Catholics kill so many Catholics in Poland, Ukraine, and Russia after World War One?”

8. “God, why did you let people who allow and encourage abortion get into power?”


History answers those questions!

When nations become Catholic, they become orderly. Order brings prosperity. Prosperity brings wealth. When Catholic nations become wealthy, many people are overcome by demons. First, Greed. Then, Gluttony.

Catholic Order is replaced by Legalized Greed. Legalized Greed is replaced by demons of Gluttony! Billionaires rule! They want two things:

1. “We want to keep what we have.”

2. “We want to have more!”

They have only one place to get more: from their neighbors!


That has been going on since Abraham protected his holdings from competing kings! Abraham was the rarest kind of billionaire! He loved and obeyed God!

Free Will allows every billionaire to make the same choice. Few do!

He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies loved God so much that He let the greedy gluttons of His Time kill Him.


Every Catholics knows! We have Free Will.

We chose to live as Jesus! We are grateful for every opportunity to love God, our neighbors, and our enemies! God gives us many opportunities to be martyrs for The Faith!

That’s how Jesus Christ separates His obedient “friends” from His willfully disobedient enemies!

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