What question do most famous people avoid?

Famous people die.   Famous people who are still alive go to their funerals.  They are praised for praising their dead counterparts.  “What wonderful accomplishments he/she made in life!”   What question do most famous people avoid?  “Is their immortal soul in Heaven or hell?”


No matter how famous we are, our immortal soul goes to Judgment.   It will be sent to one of three places.

1. Some souls go straight to Heaven.

2. Many souls go to Purgatory.  Their souls are purified.  Impurities are burned away.

3. All other souls are sent straight to hell.  Forever.

Most famous people spend their lives pleasing those who make them famous.  Many do not think respectfully about God.  They do not live in a way to obtain “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”.


He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies did come to earth.  He left one set of “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”.  Jesus Christ gave “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” to The Church He Spoke Into Being with His Word.

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


Many famous people avoid what every Catholic knows!   “Jesus Christ will judge my immortal soul.”

Catholics make an intelligent decision.    “I want to stand before Him and be among “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

We have free will.  Our best choice?  Spending our lives getting ready for His Judgment.


Most famous people are gluttons for praise!   Love of praise leads many famous people to an insane conclusion!

“God has to let me into Heaven!”

Many famous people at their funerals agree with that!

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Free -e-books and thoughts about getting into Heaven:  catholicfundamentalism.com

