What Six Words keep Willful Protestants from being happy?

.                                    It takes two minutes to understand the eternal effects of Willful Protestantism.


Question 1:  “First of all, what is a Willful Protestant?”

Answer:  “A Willful Protestant is a person who knowingly chooses to disobey This Word of Jesus Christ, reject The Catholic Church He Spoke Into Being, and lose the ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ God left on earth.”

‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven; . .‘”


Question 2:  “Why do Willful Protestants reject His Word, His Church, and His ‘keys’?”

Answer:  “Every Willful Protestant decides to make these Six Words the foundation of their faith!  ‘Jesus must let me into Heaven!’


Question 3:  “Why would a person think they can tell God what to do?”

Answer:  “Willful Protestants live in confusion.  Every one of them knows God’s First Commandment‘Thou shall have no gods before Me.’


Question 4:  “Do Willful Protestants believe in The First Commandment?”

Answer:  “They say they do.  What they really believe is this!  ‘God has to do what I tell Him.  I am telling Him that He must let me into Heaven!’


Question 5:  “Why do Willful Protestants believe in something so ridiculous?”

Answer:  “They let the higher-level demons of vanity lead them to think they can tell God what to do.”


Question 6:  “Don’t Willful Protestants understand that we should never ‘have any gods before Him?”

Answer:  “They prefer to live in the confusion of thinking they can obey The First Commandment while believing ‘Jesus must let me into Heaven!’


Question 7:  “What are Willful Protestants saying to their own soul?”

Answer:   “They are telling their own soul:  ‘I would rather send you to hell than be Catholic.’


Question 8:  “Are Willful Protestants ever happy?”

Answer:  “No.”

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Simple Reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com

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