What Went Wrong?

We’ve all seen declines in many good things. There is less innocence, less trust, less commitment, less generosity. Who would want that?

The answer can be found by considering the last time your computer was attacked by a virus. If it weren’t for various protective software packages, everyone’s computer would be down most of the tim.

The same personalities who want to destroy your computer are akin to the virus and its minions. Destructive personalities are in every field, but seem drawn to government. There, they form alliances with others who share their goals of destruction.

Destructive personalities in government have formed a world-wide bureaucracy. Is Greece going broke because of excessive spending? Yep. Are Greek bureaucrats worried about their high salaries, great benefits, and lush pensions? Nope. They know that their brethren in the World-Wide Bureaucracy will bail them out. They always have.

If the world-wide bureaucracy lets one country fire its bureaucrats, they know they might be next. So, bureaucrats force banks to “donate”, or “take haircuts” to maintain swollen foreign governments. Huge transfers of printed money are made to “bail out” the endangered bureaucrats. They invariably “promise to reform”, even as they snicker all the way to the bank.

In every American state, bureaucrats unite to protect the most useless among them. In Pennsylvania, a State-run system of liquor stores provides jobs for those in a position to get favors from elected officials. A couple of thousand unionized workers hold twelve million Pennsylvanians hostage. Their high salaries are protected.

If State Liquor Store clerks lose their jobs, overpaid transit workers might lose theirs. So could toll booth attendants. All the bureaucrats join to help even the most replaceable of their numbers remain employed.

Rather than simply disappearing, such public agencies grow. Failure is piled on failure, and a pyramid of lies is constructed.

In the six thousand years since real pyramids, which at least continue to draw tourist income, were built, little good has been done by what has become a powerful organization of world-wide bureaucrats.

It is no accident that the only organization on earth to oppose unbridled power, The Roman Catholic Church, is so widely reviled by world-wide bureaucrats. At the heart of their hatred is one fact: The Church requires not only commitments to poverty, celibacy, and obedience, but also, clearly states that we cannot get into Heaven if we refuse to love God and our neighbors.

Since their earliest days, no group of bureaucrat has been able to build a Tower of Babel high enough to get its builders into Heaven. That indisputable fact has not kept successive generations of them from trying.
