What’s the Best Way to Tolerate Living Among so Many Lies?

Each of us human beings is downloaded with a “basic program” by The Loving Programmer.  Any human program can be improved by the Sacrament of Baptism.  That allows The Loving Programmer, The Program, and The Holy Wireless Connector to erase some errors downloaded within and inherited by our own human program by our disobedient ancestress and ancestor.

All of us have some basic appreciation of, and respect for, truth.  That appreciation is increased by baptism, which is why the laws and institutions of Christian countries usually rely more on personal honor and integrity than on state or religious coercion.

When we see that we are surrounded by lies, we have options:

A.  We fight the lies.  That, we soon discover, wears us out.  The more effectively we fight, the more liars take the field against us.

B.  We become a part of the lies.  “Everyone else is lying, and some are getting far ahead of me by doing so.  I’m going to start lying, too.”  Choosing Option B increases our chances of going to Hell, so we should think long and hard before jumping into the swamp.

C.  We ignore the lies.  That’s what most of us do.  We are aware that much of what’s around us are lies and we tune them out.  Liars then go on to tell even bigger lies.  We generally ignore them, as well.  Soon, we are like a castaway on a desert island, a tiny bit of truth in a vast ocean of lies.  That’s no way to live.

D.  We understand that Adam and Eve made lies (and, all sins) necessary parts of the free-will component of The Creation Program.  Such things exist for the same reason hurdles are placed in track and field events.  We have to get beyond them to the finish line.  So, we live among the lies, cheerfully saying when we have the opportunity, “Better be careful.  You might be being bamboozled.”

“D” is the best option.  When we understand that, our mission is clearer:  Stay in the race.  Run fast.  Jump high.  Listen to the coach!
