When Lies Get Too Big, New Funding Sources are Needed to Support Them.

The Global Warming/Freezing  lies are disappearing.  Despite the attempts of elite profiteers to continue making billions from them, too much truth is coming out.  When less than half the people will publicly admit to believing they’re a problem, and more than half the people understand that the enviro-frauds are there to take money from them, they collapse.

Now, only those on the left side of the bell curve take the Global Warming fraud seriously.  And, those who’ve used it to make obscene profits are cashing in.  No more windmills are being built.  Solar farms are disappearing.  Bio-fuels have been found to be unworkable.  There was a brief attempt at using “algae as a renewable fuel”, but it was laughed away almost as soon as it was propounded.

What’s a professional liar to do?  In this state, PennFuture is a leading alarmist organization.  No matter how slight or imaginary the problem, PennFuture can be relied upon to get as many voters as possible so worried and concerned that they will public funding is provided for endless “studies” by “concerned” scientists.

They recently replaced the head of their organization with a trial lawyer who has a lot of litigation experience.  Their announced plan is to start suing for what they can’t get voters and legislators to provide.   Does that mean the Judicial Branch of one state’s Government is thought to be more corruptible, or easily manipulated, than the Legislative Branch?

Since lies, exaggerations, and imaginary problems of international scope have to be carefully coordinated, we may assume that a similar change in enviro-funding tactics is taking place around the world.  Every nation wealthy enough to afford such tomfoolery should prepare for judicial assaults on its people’s wealth.

Thanks for reading voters no longer support global warming lies.
