Where do we find truth?

Where do we find truth?   There is truth in some of the thoughts in our minds.  Thoughts are structures in our mind.  There are two kinds of structures in our minds.  Some are true.  Some are false.

God is Truth.  Truthful structures in our mind move us closer to God.  Lies separate us from God.

When we ignore a lie, the lie does not separate us from God.

If we believe a lie, the corrupting virus confuses our mind.  Each lie that we believe separates us farther from Truth.

When we tell a lie, we spread confusion that moves others from God.

Lies come from the desire to serve ourselves instead of God.  All lies encourage violations of God’s Commandments.  Such reminders are removed from courthouses and schools.  Those who serve themselves do not want anyone reminded “Thou shall not bear false witness.”

Those who serve self do not want reminders of truth.  Warnings that remind of God and His punishments get in the way of cash flows that come from lies.

As the servers of self grow more desperate for more, bigger lies are told more often.  Government structures let many who serve themselves do so.  Lies grow bigger.  They are more easily identified, but harder to avoid.  Governments become dark clouds of swirling lies.

Our souls urge us to seek truth.  Our souls, “made in the image of God” know they will end up in eternal agony if we prefer lies to truth.Where do we find truth?   He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies told us when He Decreed The Only Church He Founded Into Being:

“Verily, verily I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”
