Where Evil Thoughts Originate

Every human program has living, evil viruses who live to corrupt it. Each of the Seven Deadly Sins, Pride, Anger, Greed, Gluttony, Envy, Lust, and Sloth (PEGGELS) is a separate tribe of corrupting viruses. They’ve wiggled their way into our minds from things we’ve heard, seen, or read about. Many human programs become so corrupted that they spend their days in the clay trying to copy and send their own corrupting viruses into other human programs. As a result, the Tribes of Viruses have have human helpers throughout the world.

“Let’s crash the human program!”, howl the invading viruses. “Let’s crash it, now!”

Tribes of acquisitive humans invade and take over rich, peaceful nations whenever they can. The tribes of demons try to do the same thing with every human mind. As soon as one of them is allowed to make a beachhead, the way is opened for more corrupting viruses. Hordes of them cause human programs to further malfunction.

Corrupting viruses of the Tribe of Pride lead the way. “You deserve _______!”, the demons convincingly argue. When a human program accepts that corruption, it weakens. Access is opened. More viruses enter and corrupt different parts of the human program. Soon, so many errors that the invaded human program operates less and less well.

The corruption spreads from the soul through the mind and to the body. The Seven Deadly Tribes gain strength as the process continues. If unchecked, the human program is taken over.

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When we have a bacterial infection, we take antibiotics to kill the invading germs. Spiritual infections must be met as promptly.

We call the Help Desk. “O Loving Programmer, my human program is under assault, and I can feel myself being separated from You. Please send as many of your beloved Programming Assistants as necessary to remove the virus and restore my program. Please, Loving Programmer, do it now!”

More traditionally, we make requests for Programming Assistance as Christ (He is The Program, Who, beloved by The Loving Programmer, took perfect, obedient, human form and came among us to be erased and restored.) instructed: “Our Father Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”

The Lord’s Prayer, is, to Catholic Fundamentalists, one request for Programming Assistance after another,and comprise the essence of all those requests we will ever need.


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