Where’s Rosie? Katie? Hillary?

dhimmiwatch has just reported:

” A Muslim extremist group threatened to behead female TV broadcasters if they don’t don strict Islamic dress, leaving the women terrified and marking a further downward spiral in Gaza’s anarchy. The threat to “cut throats from vein to vein” was delivered by the Swords of Truth, a fanatical group that has previously claimed responsibility for bombing Internet cafes and music shops.” http://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/archives/016738.php

Needless to say, not one female network newscaster in the United States mentioned this horrifying threat. So much for “sisterhood”.

No male anchors complained about it, either. One wonders “Why?”. Instead, endless blather about “global warming”.

Where, on the bell curve, do these people live?

Less is less.

The culture of death is always in favor of less. Less food, less smoking, less people, and less power are favored goals. “Cutting back” is the only way of life they encourage.

Less power may be defined as slavery. We are fall into servitude as our access to power declines. No one in the culture of death, for instance, is in favor of nuclear energy. They are uniformly against drilling new oil wells. Those who produce energy are routinely demonized. Those who consume energy are routinely demonized.

They know that as they deny energy to others, they become more powerful.

“Weakness” may be defined as a lack of power. Those who take away our energy want us to be weak. The weak are more easily enslaved. Recently, electricity rates have doubled in many areas. They will double, again. No new power generators are being constructed, except for windmills, which don’t produce very much power.

Less is less.
