“Which is the worst kind of Gluttony for me?” Answer this question!

Gluttony! It is the Fourth of The Seven Deadly Sins. Demons in The Tribe of Gluttony all say the same thing: “You should have more!”

Catholics examine our conscience. How do we find out: “Which is the worst kind of Gluttony for me?” Answer this question!

“I want more __________!”

Answer quickly with the first word that comes to mind! We look at the word with which we answered that question!


Many answer “Money”. Gluttons for Money want to become billionaires. Billionaires are bloated with assets! They never have enough! “I just need a little bit more!” Gluttony leads them to spend their lives justifying getting “More!”


Most of us are Gluttons for Approval! “I want more people to like me! I want people on TV to like me! I will believe and repeat whatever they say!” The desire for Approval leads to many kinds of sins. “The person with whom I sin will approve of me!”


Some are Gluttons for Power. “I want to tell more people what to do! I must get into Public Office! Then, I can make people do what I want!” Most of those Gluttons for Power are hired by those whose Gluttony for Money allowed them to accumulate a lot of it!


Those three forms of Gluttony have two things in common:

1. All of them focus on “More for me!”

2. All of them avoid thinking about the coming Judgment of their immortal soul!

We should try to be “Gluttons” for God’s Approval! Catholics begin by striving to obey This Teaching of Jesus Christ!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

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