Which people are happy? #11.

Today's Catholic Bible Reading tells us which people are "happy"!

Today’s Catholic Bible Reading tells us which people are “happy”!


Question 1:  “How does Today’s Catholic Bible Reading tell us which people are ‘happy’?”

Answer:  “Psalm 84 tells us: Blessed are they who dwell in Your house, O Lord.
Happy they who dwell in your house!  Continually they praise you.  Happy the men whose strength you are!   Their hearts are set upon the pilgrimage.’


Question 2:  “What is the ‘pilgrimage’ that makes Catholics ‘happy’?”

Answer:  “Moving from our ‘house’ to ‘God’s house’ makes Catholics happy!  We are the only people on earth whom God blesses to ‘make the pilgrimage’ to The Church-Creating Word of Jesus to His First Catholic Pope:

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’.


Question 3:  “What lets Catholics obey a Teaching from Jesus that billions of people reject?”

Answer:  “Only Catholics are blessed enough to ‘happily’ connect the simple fact that over 300 Prophecies predicted The Coming of Messiah to He Who was born in Bethlehem to a Virgin of The House of David.”


Question 4:  “Does Catholics ‘happiness’ come from being the only people on earth who grow closer to The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit by recognizing The Fulness of The Holy Trinity?”


Answer:  “Our joy has no end!  Luke 2:41-52 explains that Jesus found happiness by leaving His Parents and spending three days in The Temple.   Catholics find happiness by entering The Church Spoken Into Being by The Prophesied Messiah’s Only Church-Creating Word to The First Catholic Pope’

Catholics are blessed to be:  ‘advanced in wisdom and age and favor before God and man.’ by putting The Church Spoken Into Being by Jesus ahead of earthly concerns.”


May every person on earth “happily” hear The Call to Catholic Communion in Acts 16:14. “Let the peace of Christ control your hearts;  Let The Word of Christ dwell in you richly.


Today’s Simple Rhyme:  “Catholics have a simple task / Every day, do as God asks.”

