Which Protestants are the best?

. Did ‘the beast’ lead Kings to fall from being “Defenders of The Faith” to become “Destroyers of The Faith?” This painting symbolizes the Episcopalian Fact: he replaced The Crown topped by a Cross with a stylish hat.”


Question 1: “There are 50,000 denominations of Willful Protestants. Which of them are better?”

Answer: “The best Protestants obey the Most Teachings of He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies.”


Question 2: “What Protestant denomination fell the farthest from obeying The Holy Word with Which Jesus Christ Spoke One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Into Being? ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven; . . .’

Answer: “England’s first Episcopalians fell the fastest and farthest!”


Question 3: “Can we find that in The Bible?”

Answer: “Rev 13 tells us: ‘a beast emerges from the sea . . the dragon had handed over to it his own power and his throne and his worldwide authority. . . “


Question 4: “Does that describe what happened when The Catholic Church was replaced by Episcopalians who claimed to be ‘Truly Catholic’?”

Answer: “That is when the Catholic Churches, hospitals, monasteries, convents, schools, and accommodations for the poor were stolen by followers of ‘the beast’. People were more oppressed than ever by those who dressed in stolen robes. They worshiped cleverly twisted Catholic Liturgies in stolen churches. ‘The whole world had marveled and followed the beast, saying ‘Who can compare with the beast?’


Question 5: “Why did the ‘whole world’ follow ‘the beast’?”

Answer: “‘The beast’ had the most powerful armies and navies on earth! Catholic progress had produced new mathematics, chemistry, metallurgy, and manufacturing. That Catholic Thinking was suddenly focused on making the most powerful weapons on earth. The world was forced to follow ‘the beast’.”


Question 6: “How did the best Protestants survive the persecution?”

Answer: “They formed denominations that followed as many Catholic Teachings as they could without being hunted down and destroyed by followers of ‘the beast’.”


Question 7: “How can we identify the best Protestants?”

Answer: “The best Protestants, and all the good people on earth, strive to follow This Catholic Teaching: ‘Life must be protected from conception until natural death.’

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