Who are among the “sheep” who actually “follow” Jesus?

. Many people are able to ‘hear’ Words of Jesus. May all hear well enough to ‘follow’ Every Word Spoken by The Voice of Jesus Christ.


Question 1: “Does Jesus Christ divide all people into two groups?”

Answer: “Yes. John 10:27 is very clear! ‘My sheep hear My voice, says The Lord; I know them, and they follow Me.’


Question 2: “Does that mean that His ‘sheep’ are the only people who will ‘hear’ and ‘follow’ The Words that Jesus Spoke with His ‘voice’?”

Answer. “Some people ‘hear’ and ‘follow’ Him. Some do not ‘hear’ and ‘follow’ Him. Some ‘hear’ but do not ‘follow’ Him.”


Question 3: “Do only Catholics both ‘hear’ and ‘follow’ Him?”

Answer: Catholics are the only people on earth who obey This Word spoken by His ‘voice’! ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven; . .’


Question 4: “What does that ‘Word’ from the ‘voice’ of Jesus tell those who ‘follow’ Him to do?”

Answer: “That Word from His ‘voice’ tells those who ‘follow’ Him to be IN The Only Church He Spoke Into Being with His Word from His ‘voice’.”


Question 5: “Why should people ‘follow’ That Word from His ‘voice’?”

Answer: “Those who ‘follow’ Him get ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’.”


Question 6: “Did Jesus Christ leave those ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ only to Peter and his Successors?”

Answer: “For 2,000 years, only Peter and his Successors have led The Only Church given those ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’.”


Question 7: “Why do some people think it is enough to ‘hear’ and not ‘follow’ That Word of Jesus Christ?”

Answer: “Evil spirits want to take souls to hell and torment them forever. Evil spirits lead people to think they are too important to need to ‘follow’ Words of Jesus.”


Question 8: “How can people think more clearly?”

Answer: “By considering This Word of Jesus! ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’ Those who choose to Think Clearly about that will both ‘hear’ and ‘follow’ Words of Jesus. They may get His ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ for their immortal souls.”


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