Who has the best chance of Heaven: Atheists or Protestants?

Who has the best chance of Heaven: Atheists or Protestants? Atheists do not believe in God. When an atheist stands before Jesus at Judgment, he or she may say:

“While I was growing up, no one ever told me that there was a God. All the schools I attended taught ‘There is no God.’ Every book I ever read said ‘There is no God.’ Every movie and TV show that I saw said, ‘There is no God.’ My parents did not believe in God. My friends did not believe in God. Now that I stand before You, I see that You are real. If I had known that You were real, I would have obeyed You.”

Jesus may reply: “I can see that you grew up in ignorance. I also see that you are a person of good will. It is not your fault that you were not obedient to Me. You were lost in The Sea of Disbelief.”


When a Protestant stands before Jesus at Judgment, he or she may say: “I believed in God! I believed in Jesus! I knew that Jesus was The Prophesied Messiah! I used to read The Bible! I knew that I would stand before You at Judgment. I believed, so I am saved! You have to let me into Heaven!”

Jesus may reply: “You said that you believed in Me. But, the fact is that you willfully chose to disobey My Only Church-Founding Decree: ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

Jesus may continue: “You willfully chose to disobey Me. Therefore, you have kept your own soul from being forever blessed to be among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’

Who has the best chance of Heaven: Atheists or Protestants?

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