Who invented Protestantism? Why? #56.

Question 1:  “Why was Protestantism invented?”

Answer:  “To test people.”


Question 2:  “Who invented Protestantism?”

Answer:  “The living vanity that takes form in Protestantism told Eve:  ‘Your highest duty is to eat the forbidden fruit and show God that I know what is best for me!’


Question 3:  “Did God know that many of His Free Will Creatures would disobey Him?”

Answer:  “God Downloaded His Creation Program so some people, like Eve’s son, Abel, could be forever blessed by obeying God.”


Question 4:  “Are there Protestants in every Age?”

Answer:  “Always!  Exodus 16:2 tells us that ‘The whole Israelite community grumbled against Moses and Aaron.’


Question 5:  “What did God do?”

Answer:  “Psalms 78:24 reminds us of what God did for the complainers:  ‘The Lord gave them bread from Heaven.  He commanded the skies above and rained manna upon them for food and gave them Heavenly bread.’  That was not enough for those Protestants.  Verse 30 tells us:  ‘they still wanted more, and the food was still in their mouths’!”


Question 6:  “What happened after God stopped ‘raining free food’ on them?”

Answer:  “God gave them a place to produce their food.”


Question 7:  “Were they happy?”

Answer:  “Some were.  Others were angry because they wanted more.”


Question 8: “What did God do?”

Answer:  “God downloaded ‘The Update’ to His Creation Program.  The Living Word of God came to earth in Fulfillment of The Prophecies.  Jesus put an ‘Updated’ Abraham and Moses in charge of The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church He Spoke Into Being with His Church-Creating Word to The First Catholic Pope:

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 9:  “Were people happy?”

Answer:  “They were if they obeyed The Son’s call to download His ‘Update’.”


Question 10:  “How could those who obeyed The Church-Creating Word of God download His ‘Update’?”

Answer:  “Jesus repeated His Call to Catholic Communion 12 times in John 6 and twice more at His Last Supper:  ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’


Question 11:  “Does doing what is necessary to download God’s ‘Update’ let out soul, the immortal essence of every Human Program, into Heaven?”

Answer:  “Catholics see the simple fact!   God loves us so much that He died in agony to leave The Holy Food that ‘Updates’ our human programs on earth.”


Question 12:  “To whom did God give The Programming Power to provide ‘His Holy Update’?

Answer:  “Twelve Apostles were chosen by The Prophesied Son of God.  Every Catholic priest is miraculously ordained in Living Link with His First Catholic Pope and Bishops.  For 2,000 years, they have miraculously provided obedient Catholics with The Absolution that makes us fit to receive That Holy Food.”


Question 12:  “What do those who refuse That Holy Update believe?”

Answer:  “Willful Protestants still believe the ancient words of Eve:  ‘I know more than God about what is best for me.’




