Why are many Protestants angry?

Catholic Fundamentalism is on Facebook. One thing never changes: Angry Protestants. Every day, platoons of Protestants post the same old attacks about The Only Church Jesus Founded. Why are many Protestants angry? Consider the kinds of things they say:

“You worship idols!”

“You call priests ‘Father’, and I don’t care if you think it’s the Spirit of God that lives in them Whom you are calling ‘Father’, I still don’t like it!”

“You worship Mary. I know you say you don’t, but, why else are all those statues there? You can’t be that grateful to her for complying with God’s request to bring Jesus to earth. You worship Mary. No matter what you say, I know you do. I know it. I just know it! So, you are bad and wrong.”

“You are cannibals, too. Oh, I know what you say, that your priests are in a living link with the Apostles, ordained directly by Jesus with the power to actually change bread and wine into His Body and Blood. Well, how do you think that makes us feel? Do you think our ministers and ministerettes are some sort of “second class” clergy, just because they aren’t in a living link with the Apostles ordained by Jesus? You think your priests are better, just because of that, and I hate you for it. I hate them, too, and think as many bad things about them as I can!”

“And, I am sick and tired of always hearing “The Catholic Church has not wavered on moral positions, despite political pressure. The Only Church Jesus Founded still has the same teaching on abortion, fornication, artificial birth control, and divorce. Does that make you think your Church is better than ours, just because we care about people’s feelings? Do you think God would rather that you be consistent than get along with everyone? You think your Church is better, and you know it. I hate you and your Catholic Church.”

“I really hate it when you say you are in ‘The Only Church Jesus Founded’. And, I hate it more when you ask, ‘Did Jesus say to the inventor of your schism, Thou art Martin Luther, or Pastor Bob, and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’ You know He didn’t. So, why do you ask? You just want us to feel bad about ourselves and call it ‘looking for truth’. Well, there is a higher ‘truth’ and that is that no one should ever say anything that keeps us from feeling good about ourselves.”

“I believe in The Bible. I know, I know. You Catholics say that your precious Church searched for and compiled all the original writings in the Old Testament. You say that the Apostles were Catholic Bishops who wrote the New Testament. And, you always remind us that “greedy schismatics’ removed any Books from The Bible that threatened their cash flows. Well, so what? That’s what I say. So what? I like my little Church. We believe in Jesus and The Bible. We don’t like, and we don’t want, anything more than that. We don’t even like to think we’re missing anything, so you just be quiet.”

“And, I’m mad. In my heart, I do know that Jesus Only Founded One Church. I rejected it for one of the 43,000 schisms. And, I do know that each of them was invented by some vain, greedy man. Right now, one of them is taking my money while separating my immortal soul from The Only Church Jesus Founded. I realize that I’ve been bamboozled, I’m not strong enough to do anything about it, and I don’t like it!

That, dear friends, pretty well answers, Why are many Protestants angry?
