God uses politics to judge souls.

Every human body has an immortal soul living inside it.

Groups of “human bodies” live together. They form “Political Bodies”. So, our soul lives in two “bodies”. Political Bodies are led by those with the power to control other people.

Those in charge of “The Body Politic” have earthly power. They take money from their enemies. They give money to their friends.

Our soul lives in a Human Body who lives in a Political Body.


There are two types of people.

1. Some choose to love God and their neighbors. They are people of “good will”.

2. Other people love themselves more than God and their neighbors. They do not have “good will”.


There are two types of Political Bodies.

1. Some are led by those who love life, freedom, and families.

2. Other Political Bodies are led by people who love power. They destroy life, freedom, and families.


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At Judgment, Jesus Christ will do one of two things!

1. He will let our immortal soul into Heaven.


2. He will send our immortal soul to the endless agonies of hell.


Some are blessed to have “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”.

Where do we get them? He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies left them on earth!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Why are their Political Bodies? They let God see whose souls will be allowed into Heaven.

God uses politics to judge souls.

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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com


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