Why Catholic?

There are several reasons for being Catholic. It’s the oldest Church, tracing its lineage directly back, in an unbroken chain, to Christ and the Apostles. Those who take precedent seriously see the consistency that has lasted over two thousand years, and realize that it’s one of the most extraordinarily respectable things on earth.

When one realizes that Christ had to not only suffer and die, but also, that He had to leave behind Him an ongoing Presence, we see that The Church does exactly that.

Throughout the ages, that Body has survived, with remarkably little change in its teaching, structure, and being.

One of the most overlooked reasons that encourages people to become Catholic is the nature of those who oppose it. They are uniformly in favor whatever sins have overwhelmed them. Abortionists, pornographers, adulterers, tax-addicted governments and their propagandists, and all those who have turned their backs on God are uniformly anti-Catholic.

The Church is, in an oblique way, defined by those who hate; The Church steadfastly puts forth the notion that we must love both God and neighbor. Her enemies love nothing but their vanity. The Program has been written and downloaded so those lost souls are able to satisfy that vanity. For awhile.
