The people whose souls are let into Heaven are Pro-Life.
Question 1: “What Word of Jesus tells us He wants us to be Pro-Life?”
Answer: “Today’s Catholic Bible Reading includes Mark 9:30-37. In it, Jesus was teaching them about how ‘He must be handed over to men and be killed. Three days later, He would rise.’ That tells us Jesus is Pro-Life.”
Question 2: “Where did Jesus tell us to be ‘Pro-Life’ and protect all life?”
Answer: “Jesus explained what’s important at each person’s Judgment, ‘He called the Twelve and said to them, ‘If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.’
Then, His Words took form in This Action! ‘Taking a child, He placed it in their midst, and putting His arms around it, He said to them, ‘Whoever receives one child such as this in My name receives Me, and whoever receives Me receives not Me but The One Who sent Me.’”
Question 3: “What do Catholics learn from the Words and Actions of Jesus?”
Answer: “We learn that He loves life, from conception until natural death. Every Pro-Life Catholic knows that by standing up for life, we ‘receive Him’ and ‘the One Who sent Him.’”
Today’s Simple Rhyme: “When we protect tiny babies on earth, / our souls in Heaven have new birth.”