Why do all Protestants have a problem with One Word of Jesus?

Catholics notice that Protestants all disobey some Words of Jesus.  Why do all Protestants have a problem with One Word of Jesus?


Jesus did Speak One Church Into Being with His Word to one person in all of History:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Every Protestant person and denomination agrees on one thing!   They all say:  “We must all ignore That One Word of Jesus!”


Their universal disobedience to That One Word of Jesus shows they are able to think.

Every Profiteer of Protestantism is able to understand.  “That One Word of Jesus is The Foundation of His Church on earth.  We cannot have donors pay attention to that!”

That is why Protestantism is united in willful disobedience to That One Word of Jesus.


The inevitable results of willful disobedience to any Word of Jesus are explained by another Word of Jesus.

“You are My friends if you obey My commands.”  That tells us of the only people whose souls may be allowed into Heaven.   His willfully disobedient enemies are not among His obedient “friends”!

Jesus did “command” The Catholic Church Into Being with His Word to Peter and His Successors.


All Catholics agree.   “We know that every word of Jesus is Truth.  Why would anyone willfully disobey any Word of Jesus?”

Catholics understand something else.  “We are “made in the image of God.”  God is One.  Our soul is one.  We cannot save ‘part’ of our soul by obeying some of Jesus’ Words.  Our mind has many parts. Our soul does not have parts.”

Then, Catholics realize a great truth!  “I must strive to obey Every Word That Jesus Spoke.  I must not willfully disobey any of His Words!  Either my whole soul gets into Heaven or none of it does!

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