Why do Catholics put things in their “proper place”?

The Catholic Church helps billions of people put our souls in the most “proper place”.


Question 1: “Why do Catholics put things in their ‘proper place’?”

Answer: “There are two things in every mind, Truth and lies.”


Question 2: “How do Catholics find the difference?”

Answer: “Catholics know that Every Word of Jesus Christ is Truth. Anything that disagrees with Any Word of Jesus is a lie that we must put in its ‘proper place’.”


Question 3: “Why do Catholics obey This Word of Jesus? ‘And I say unto you, thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

Answer: “Everyone who Thinks Clearly wants the ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ more than anything on earth. We put anything that will keep our soul from Heaven in its ‘proper place’.”


Question 4: “What keeps people from wanting those ‘keys’ more than anything?”

Answer: “People are confused by lies invented and spread by ‘unholy vanity’.”


Question 5: “Where do the ‘lies of unholy vanity’ come from?”

Answer: “The devil.”


Question 6: “Why does the devil tell lies to keep people from having ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ for their soul?”

Answer: “Souls are eternal sparks of life. The devil wants to put as many souls as he can into the deepest pits of hell so he and his demons can torture them, forever.”


Question 7: “What are the devil’s lies designed to do?”

Answer: “Every ‘unholy vanity’ wants people to be too confused to be Catholic. Every devil-controlled structure on earth is a source of lies that appeal to different kinds of ‘unholy vanity’.”


Question 8: “What are the different kinds of ‘unholy vanity’?”

Answer: “The Church Spoken Into Being by Jesus tells us there are seven kinds of ‘unholy vanity’. They take spiritual form in seven tribes of demons: pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust, and sloth.”


Question 9: “How do those tribes of demons confuse people?

Answer: “They praise every person who lets them into their mind!”


Question 10: “Where do the demons of ‘unholy vanity’ live?”

Answer: “Demons live in human structures on earth. History, Economics, Literature, Art, Entertainment, Education, Science, and Politics are homes to demons who give praise and power to all who love the ‘unholy vanities’ within them.”


Question 11: “What do all those ‘unholy vanities’ have in common?”

Answer: “They keep their followers away from The Seven Catholic Sacraments that are among Christ’s ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’: Baptism, Confession, Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Holy Orders, and The Last Rites.”


The more we are blessed to put things in their “proper place”, the harder we will work to get “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” for our immortal soul.


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Simple Reasons to be Catholic. https://catholicfundamentalism.com/

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The best book of the last Century is “The Diary of St. Faustina”. It lets each of us realize how much Jesus loves our soul. https://www.saint-faustina.org/diary-full-text/
