Why do Catholics think about souls and Heaven and “pearls”?

There are 12 gates in The Heavenly City. Each is a ‘pearl’. Catholics ask: “How big are those ‘pearls’?”


Question 1: “Catholics ask an odd question: ‘Is it better to have a ‘big soul’ or a ‘small soul’?”

Answer: “Some Catholics want to have a ‘small soul’!”


Question 2: “Why?”

Answer: “The Book of Revelation, 21:21, tells us ‘there are 12 gates in The City of God’. Each of them is the size of a ‘pearl’. The biggest ‘pearls’ on earth are not much bigger than a thumbnail. Tiny ‘seed pearls’ are smaller than this dot: . That is the size we were when we were conceived and blessed with life!”


Question 3: “Do some Catholics believe the ‘twelve gates’ in the immense walls of Heaven could be seed pearls, even smaller than this: . ?”

Answer: “No believer would ever insult God by limiting His Power to conventional human thinking!”


Question 4: “The City of Heaven is immense! It is a cube 1,500 miles (2,414 kilometers), on each side! Where does The Bible say it’s 12 gates are no bigger than a single ‘pearl’?

Answer: “Revelation 21:21 is very clear. ‘The twelve gates are twelve pearls, each gate being made of a single pearl . . ‘


Question 5: “Can a soul swollen by vanity get through those tiny ‘gates of Heaven’?”

Answer: “‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ let some souls get through the tiny gates of Heaven’s huge, impenetrable walls!”


Question 6: “Where do we get those ‘keys’ for our soul?”

Answer: “Jesus Christ left them to The Church He Spoke Into Being with His Holy Word! ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 6: “What happens to swollen souls after they ‘bounce off’ the walls of Heaven?”

Answer: “They drop straight to hell. Their damaged souls look like cars that drove into rock walls!”


Question 7: “Do all the souls that can’t get through the gates go to hell?”

Answer: “No. Before they die, some people are smart enough to ask God to burn their soul-swelling impurities away in Purgatory.”


Question 8: “Is that true?”

Answer: “It is Catholic Teaching. No one who thinks clearly about Jesus would ignore The Promise of Jesus that is The Foundation of all Catholic Teachings: ‘and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’


Question 9: Does The Bible tell us anything more about ‘pearls’?”

Answer: “Matthew 13:44-46 tells what one rich person was smart enough to do! ‘Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it.’


Question 10: “Was the rich ‘merchant’ trading in all that he had so his soul would fit through one of those ‘gates’?”

Answer: “Yes. He no longer wanted to ‘throw his pearls before swine’.”


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