Why do many hate The Church?


Jesus and His Disciples were surrounded by enemies who tried to destroy them. The Only Church Founded by He Who Fulfilled the Prophecies is still surrounded by enemies.

The Only Church Jesus Founded operates schools, orphanages, and hospitals in the poorest parts of the world. The Church’s priests are celibate, obedient, and poor. The holy men and women who become Catholic brothers and sisters work hard for little, or no, pay.

The Church is pro-life. It has a long, long history of defending the poor against tyrants. And, it has a long history of being attacked by tyrants. The Church stands up for the most helpless;  unborn babies, children, the old, and the poor. From its beginning, The Church has urged all to love God and neighbor. The Church encourages each person to focus on saving their immortal soul so as to have The Joys of Heaven forever.

Still, The Church is surrounded by billions of enemies who hate and revile The Church. Many lie about its history and exaggerate the occasional Judases who appear within it.

Why do many hate The Catholic Church? The Only Church Jesus Founded has been hated by Romans, Greeks, Turks, Communists, Facists, Socialists, Levelers, Revolutionaries, the rich, the middle-class, and the poor. The Church Jesus Founded has been hated by pornographers, pimps, and profligates. The Only Church Founded by He Who Fulfilled the Prophecies has been hated by many among Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Moslems, and Protestants.

Aztec priests who encouraged child sacrifice, sodomy, and cannibalism hated The Church. Fraternal groups have hated The Church. Royal families have hated The Church. Governments have hated The Church. Entertainers have hated The Church. Political parties have hated The Church. Entire industries have hated The Church.

It is surprising how little it takes to cause many people and groups to hate The Church, even if it means losing their immortal souls to eternal pain.

Why do many hate The Church? One underlying, and unbelievably shallow, motive illuminates the minds of those who hate The Church:

“It’s hard to get a man to see the truth about something if his job depends on not seeing it.”

Some souls are purchased for a song.
