Why do people leave The Church?

Lapsed Catholics complain the most bitterly about The Church.  Catholic Fundamentalism has become The Facebook Expert at replying to the often angry, always self-righteous people who abandon Catholicism.

“Why do people leave The Church?”  is not a deep enough question.  We should ask:  “Why do people say they leave The Church?”

When we ask  “Why do people say they leave The Church?”, the answers are moronic.  They can be reduced to a single sentence packed full of ignorance and lies:   “Catholics worship statues/idols/Mary/Popes/Priests/Saints and The Church has too much money, brainwashes people, and committed mass murders.”

That is preposterous.   No Catholic worships anything but The Holy Trinity.  To do otherwise is to disobey our own Commandments.  Only a moron or an utter ignoramus could believe that Catholics are allowed to worship anyone but God.

The Church, if it were to sell all its assets for a hundred and fifty billion dollars, would be able to give every poor person in the world about thirty dollars.  That’s if the money could be distributed to all who needed it, a complete impossibility.

The Catholic’s alleged “mass murders” include The Spanish Inquisition, in which 3,500 people were put to death over its 350 years.  Today, of course, 3,500 unborn babies are destroyed, every day.  The “Crusades” are held up as more “mass murder”.  They were long overdue, spasmodic reactions to endless Moslem slave raids on European countries that included the sacking of Rome in 830.

Those who say such wretchedly silly things about The Church are morons and ignoramuses on that subject.  The lies are so blatant, and the  ignorance so obvious, that their beliefs are preposterous untruths.

What would drive a person to risk their souls for such pseudo-intellectual lunacies?

The most common sin that leads people away from The Church is a desire for sex.   Most people leave The Church to have orgasms outside of a valid marriage.  They tell and believe such preposterous lies about The Church to justify having illicit sex.

This may be an article worth sharing.
