Why are some people crucified?

This picture tells a story.  Jesus Christ had become an economic threat.  The Jerusalem establishment was the first to understand.  “Jesus and His Teachings are a threat to every institution in the world!”  They hired a rent-a-mob.  The threat of riots forced Pontius Pilate to have Jesus crucified.

Pontius Pilate ruled in Jerusalem.  Tiberius was The Emperor of Rome.  Petronius, Pliny the Elder, and St. Isidore of Seville help us answer the question:  Why are some people crucified?


A man invented an amazing material.  It was clear, like glass.  It was flexible, like rubber.  It was strong, like bronze.

The inventor made his incredible material into a bowl.  He showed it to some Roman investors.  They were impressed!  “We have never seen anything like this!”

They were billionaires!  They had annual incomes of 4-6,000 pounds of gold!  They had political connections!  They showed it to high-level officials.  All of them knew!  “This could make big money!  We must show The Emperor!”


A meeting was arranged.  The inventor met with The Emperor Tiberius!  Himself!

Tiberius picked up the amazing bowl.  He held it in his hands.  He smelled it.  He looked at it.  He tapped it.  He twisted it.  He looked through it.  Suddenly, he smashed it onto the floor!  The inventor pulled out a hammer.  He gently tapped the dents out of it.  He gave it back to Tiberius.

Again, Tiberius held the bowl in his hands.  He looked straight at the inventor.  “Who invented this?”

“I did.”, the inventor replied.

“Does anyone else know how to make this?”

“I am the only person in the world who knows how to produce this material.”


Tiberius immediately had the inventor executed.  And, decapitated! People were stunned.  “Why?”

Tiberius explained.  “It is my duty to preserve The Established Order.  This is the most incredible material in the world!  If the inventor was allowed to make this material, all the gold in our Treasury would become worthless.”

In every age, those who have new ideas that threaten established institutions are treated similarly.  We can all answer the question:  Why are some people crucified?

That’s about all there is, and is not, to History.

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