Why do The Profiteers of Protestantism hate Indulgences?

Why do The Profiteers of Protestantism hate Indulgences? The word’s Latin root comes from indulgeo, “to be kind or tender”. Protestants are taught to hate Indulgences!

All of Protestantism ignores the great truths about Catholic Indulgences. Some are here: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07783a.htm


Protestantism began to get rid of Catholic Indulgences after Martin Luther was hired by rich, greedy men. His job? He was to provide “theological” excuses for his employers to steal billions of dollars of Catholic assets.

In England, for instance, 20 million of the nation’s 60 million acres were used by The Catholic Church. They funded schools, hospitals, churches, monasteries, convents, orphanages, hand-written Bibles, and accommodations for the poor.

Greedy men realized: “We could steal that land if we weaken The Catholic Church.” Luther did what he was paid to do. He provided “theological excuses” for mammoth looting. To get more money, he realized he had to demonize Catholic Indulgences.


Indulgences were validated in The Books of The Maccabees. In them, Jewish soldiers sent gold to The Temple in Jerusalem. They did so to gain forgiveness for the sins of their fallen comrades.

The Profiteers of Protestantism had to get rid of The Books of The Maccabees! They were in the Seven Books in the Septuagint. For 1,500 years, they were included in The Bible. Jesus had actually quoted from the Septuagint. The Profiteers of Protestantism didn’t care. Luther invented excuses to remove all Seven Books from their “Bibles”.


Protestants no longer had Scriptural Proof that Good Works, Donations, and Prayers could lessen the punishment their sins deserved. Soon, The Profiteers of Protestantism proclaimed “Give us 10% of your income and you will automatically go to Heaven!”

The Profiteers of Protestantism have made billions from their “Protestant Indulgence”!

While they provide that fake “Protestant Indulgence”, they are enraged if donors pay their 10% tithes with counterfeit money.

They don’t even notice the contradiction in which they choose to live!

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