Why does the world think about The Catholics of Nepal?

What great blessing do The Catholics of Nepal have?


Question 1:  “Why are the Catholics of Nepal so blessed by God?”

Answer:  “The people of Nepal can more easily see Mt. Everest!   Revelation 21:10 tells us how important that is.  ‘The Angel of God’ took St. John ‘to the top of a great and enormous mountain and showed me Jerusalem, The Holy City, coming down from God out of Heaven.’”


Question 2:  “Will the Catholics in Nepal be the first to see ‘The Holy City coming down from God out of Heaven’?”

Answer:  “There is no mountain on earth as ‘great and ‘enormous’ as Mt. Everest in the Himalaya Mountains of Nepal!”


Question 3:  “Does The Bible tell Catholics about other ‘mountains’?”

Answer:   “Yes!   Psalm 15:1 teaches us more about ‘mountains’‘Lord, who has the right to enter your tent or live on your holy mountain?’


Question 4:  “Do the Catholics in Nepal ‘enter’ God’s Holy ‘tent’ and ‘live on’ God’s ‘holy mountain’?”

Answer:  “The Catholics in Nepal do both!

First:  They have done what is necessary to ‘enter His tent’ by obeying The Decree of Jesus!  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

Second:   “The Catholics of Nepal are blessed to see and be reminded of His ‘holy mountain’!”


Question 5:  “The Catholics in Nepal must be among the most blessed people on earth!  What more does The Bible tell us about people in ‘His tent’ and on His ‘holy mountain’?”

Answer:  “Psalm 15 tells us!   They ‘walk blamelessly and do justice’.  They ‘think the Truth in their heart‘.  They ‘slander not with the tongue’.  They do not ‘harm their fellow man nor ‘reproach their neighbors’.


Question 6:  “The 15th Psalm is very short.  What else does it tell us about those who ‘live in His tent’ and ‘on His Holy Mountain’?”

Answer:  “‘The sinners despise them’,  and those who ‘fear the Lord are honored‘.  They do not enslave their neighbors by ‘lending their money at usury’ and they will not ‘accept bribes to victimize the innocent’.”


Question 7:  “Should Catholics move to Nepal?”

Answer:  “Every Catholic on earth ‘lives in His tent’.   We all ‘live on His Mountain’!   The Catholics of Nepal are blessed with a better view.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.  catholicfundamentalism.com

Free books with more reasons on that site.  The newest is ‘The Book of Revelation’.
